by_the_grace_of_god_i_am_what_i_am.pdf |
By God's Design |
![]() Other than our Lord's, we know more about the life of the Apostle Paul than any of his contemporaries. Like those whom we read about in the Old Testament, the life of the Apostle Paul is put on display for us as an example. His life was truly dedicated to serving Christ and it provides a great example of the life that each of us should strive to live. Most importantly, he lived a life in which he acknowledged all that he had become was because of the grace of God. ![]()
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![]() The Biblical teaching of baptism has been a greatly debated subject. Men have discussed its relevance to salvation and method of administration. Despite all of the discussions that have taken place in regards to this subject, baptism is still misunderstood by many people. There are, I believe, many contributing factors to this confusion. ![]()
![]() It is a blessing when there is peace and harmony in the relationships that we have in our life. However, no matter how close the relationship may be, conflicts will arise. Conflicts often occur between husbands and wives; parents and children; and members of the body of Christ. The important question for us as followers of Christ is how we handle conflicts when they disrupt our relationships. Thankfully, God has left us a pattern within His word on how to deal with conflict in our relationships and it is our goal to discuss it at this time. ![]()
![]() When God created the first man he determined that it was not good for him to be alone. This man needed a companion, therefore, God created woman. After creating the woman, God commanded both the man and the woman to be fruitful and multiply. Thus, we have the beginning of the human race. God created us to have social interaction with one another. Through this interaction we form relationships. In His word, God gives us a blueprint for relationships. ![]()
![]() The first time the word mother appears in the Bible is in (Genesis 3:20). God made Adam, and then he took a rib from his side and made Eve. Since that time every man or woman has been brought into this world because of a mother. Throughout the Bible we read of mothers, both good and bad. A mother may choose to be many things, but there are none as great as a godly mother. ![]()
![]() The New Testament is rich with verses that contain the phrase "in Christ." It is a simple phrase, yet the depth of its meaning is endless. All that the world holds does not even come close to comparing to the riches and blessings in Christ. They are unsearchable the Bible says. We could preach a lifetime of sermons on this subject and only scratch the surface of its meaning. That being said, I want to introduce just a few thoughts on the subject. ![]()
![]() In the marital relationship a husband and wife are to portray to a lost and dying world the relational oneness that exists between Christ and His Church. Wives, you are to portray the Church in this relationship. The Bible says that the wife is to be subject to her husband the way that the Church is subject unto Christ. Wives, are you doing your part to portray this relationship to the world and bring glory and honor unto God? ![]()
![]() Parents can have a profound impact on their children's lives. This impact can also reach future generations. There may come a time when we feel as if we have nothing left to offer. We have raised our children and they have children of their own. The benefits that we have to offer our children will never cease. Even after they are grown we can still have an impact on our children's lives as well as our grandchildren. We can give our children an inheritance, not of money or possessions, but of godly living. ![]()
![]() There are some things a man simply must be before he is qualified to assume the role of a husband and father. Now this is not an exhaustive list by far, but there are four characteristics that a young man must possess in order to be suitable for a young woman. He must be a Christian, he must be committed to Biblical leadership, he must be a protector, and he must be a provider. A man who does not possess - or at least show signs of developing - these characteristics does not meet the basic job description laid down for husbands in the Bible. ![]()
![]() It has been said that the woman is the heart of the home. Now if that is the case it raises a very important question for a young man to ask himself when looking for a wife. What kind of a heart do I want my home to have? This line of thinking will get a young man started down the right track, but it is our goal to introduce some additional thoughts from the Bible. As we do so we ask the question what should a young man look for in a young woman? ![]()
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January 2023