the_fullness_of_time.pdf |
By God's Design |
![]() The Bible refers to the time of Christ as the fullness of time. This was the designated time in which God would bring His marvelous plan of redemption to fruition. It was the time that had been appointed before the very foundation of the world was laid. ![]()
![]() These verses contain a beautiful description of the most important event in human history. That event is the incarnation of Jesus. When Jesus left the glories of heaven and came into this world as a man, He was a visible manifestation of the grace of God. Through Him, the grace of God burst forth into the history of man like the rising sun piercing the darkness of night until it vanishes away. The appearance of Jesus has given man an understanding of the grace of God. ![]()
![]() Prayer is one of the greatest privileges, and most powerful means available to a child of God. In fact, prayer is the closest that a Christian can get to God while on this side of eternity. In this study, we will examine what the Bible teaches about prayer. ![]()
![]() As Christians, we must constantly seek to answer the question, "Who is Jesus to me?" Does he have the pre-imminence in my life? These are not questions that can be taken lightly. These are questions with eternal implications. The destiny of our souls depends upon the place that we give Jesus in our life. As our Savior and Lord He is to be our all in all. ![]()
![]() The events that occurred at the death of Christ were unlike any other before or after. At the very moment that our Lord's lips were silent and He breathed His last breath, God began to speak in the unmistakable language of supernatural signs and wonders. The veil in the Temple was torn from top to bottom, there was an earthquake, rocks were split, graves were opened, and Luke records that the Sun was dark for three hours. While these miracles are indeed awe inspiring, we must not forget their purpose. ![]()
![]() Not long after Moses had lead the children of Israel out of Egypt, God required Him to collect an offering of gold, silver, and other precious materials from the people in order to build the tabernacle. The Israelites had been slaves in the land of Egypt for some four hundred years, how did they have all of those precious materials to contribute to the building of the tabernacle? Modern estimates place the value of the tabernacle well over a billion dollars in today's money. ![]()
![]() Submission is a concept that is almost altogether lost in our society. If the idea is suggested and it involves people and civil government, it is oppression. If it involves people of different genders, it is sexism. If it involves people of different races, it is racism. If it involves parents and children, it is abuse. We could go on and on about the negative stereotypes that society has placed on the idea of submission. What does the Bible teach on this subject? ![]()
![]() The resurrection is an extremely important doctrine. It is essential to Christianity. Those who doubted that such an event would take place, failed to realize the implications of their doctrine. Our resurrection is based upon the resurrection of Christ. For one to advocate that we cannot be raised from the dead is like advocating that Christ did not rise from the dead. ![]()
![]() The Biblical teaching of baptism has been a greatly debated subject. Men have discussed its relevance to salvation and method of administration. Despite all of the discussions that have taken place in regards to this subject, baptism is still misunderstood by many people. There are, I believe, many contributing factors to this confusion. ![]()
![]() The first time the word mother appears in the Bible is in (Genesis 3:20). God made Adam, and then he took a rib from his side and made Eve. Since that time every man or woman has been brought into this world because of a mother. Throughout the Bible we read of mothers, both good and bad. A mother may choose to be many things, but there are none as great as a godly mother. ![]()
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January 2023